We are currently not accepting new applications for funding due to high volumes of applicants.
The application portal will re-open 
this fall, from September 1 to September 31, 2024.


Canada-Ukraine Foundation supports Canadian registered charities or other qualified donees as identified by the Canada Revenue Agency providing support to Ukraine and Ukrainian-Canadian projects.  Only initiatives that align with our strategic plan and granting approach and fall within one of our four funding areas are eligible for funding.

The Foundation is always open to new ideas, and we welcome your input. We ask that you please submit ideas through this form, and refrain from contacting program officers directly – the Foundation does not consider unsolicited proposals to our Board Directors. We receive many grant requests each year, and as such, can only fund a small percentage of worthwhile proposals.


The Foundation gives priority to initiatives that:

  • Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the issue and the broader context and have a strong case for support.
  • Are strategic in their approach, aiming to address the complexity of the issue, to have long-term impact and sustainability beyond immediate delivery.
  • Have national or broad regional implications or have the potential for broad regional or nation-wide replication. In the current environment where an initiative is regional in scope, preference is given to Eastern oblasts in Ukraine.

Are led by organizations that are:

  • Well-managed, effective and leaders in their field
  • Results oriented and committed to examining outcomes
  • Willing to freely share knowledge and resources among stakeholders
  • Dedicated to advancing policy and practice

We do this by:

  • Supporting registered charities with grants to carry out activities that make a difference
  • Convening stakeholders within and across domains
  • Interacting with governments and supporting policy development
  • Strengthening sector capacities
  • Fostering communication and collaboration platforms to reinforce our granting’s impact


Health and Wellness

Initiatives that have a primary focus on promoting optimal social, emotional, and mental health and wellness among the population. Priority will be given to universal initiatives that work within the framework of the public education system, and that aim to embed health and wellness in school policy and practice.


Priority will be given to initiatives that seek collaborations with local governments, non-profits, academia, and the private sector; address the gap between policy and implementation; and strive for broad-scale application. Graduate research, bursaries, and scholarships may be eligible.

Humanitarian Assistance

Initiatives that provide emergency help for people facing crises like violent conflict, natural disasters, pandemics or economic turmoil – or many of these threats simultaneously. Providing humanitarian aid like food, clean water, shelter, medicine and medical care, and protection to help save lives.

Heritage and Culture

Programs that promote and foster the preservation and enhancement of heritage and culture through capacity building, education and awareness.

The Foundation does not support the following (Ineligibility Criteria):

  • General fundraising campaigns
  • Building or capital campaigns
  • Political campaigns and legislative lobbying activities
  • Legal challenges
  • Direct donations or grants to individuals
  • Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
  • Endowments and Chairs
  • Infrastructure maintenance

The Foundation may, from time to time, make trustee-directed donations that fall outside our regular guidelines.


The Foundation typically provides grants only for term-specific initiatives, with a maximum granting period of 5 years. Applicants may be based outside Ukraine or Canada, provided their work directly pertains to an issue within our funding areas.

If you would like to issue a news release or other mass news media communication about your grant, the text of the proposed release must be submitted to us for review prior to the release date. No release shall be made without our approval. Submit the draft of your proposed news release or other mass media communication about your grant to our Executive Coordinator at [email protected]


There are five stages to the application and selection process.

Read our funding priorities page.


Apply on-line. All applicants must submit a full and completed application. We will contact you if we need a more detailed Project Proposal. There is no deadline for submissions and applications are reviewed on a regular basis.


Application undergoes a rigorous due diligence process. Due to the high volume of requests coming in, response time varies.


Final review and approval.


Project manager advised of decision.