Your donations are making impact on lives of Ukrainians this winter.
As the year comes to a close, we would like to share with you the incredible impact your donations have had on the lives of countless Ukrainians enduring the harsh winter months. Thanks to your unwavering support, the CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has delivered vital resources to those who need them most— providing warmth and ensuring safety in Ukrainian communities devastated by Russia’s violent war.
Today, we want to highlight two remarkable initiatives made possible through your generosity. Our partners, the Youth Movement “Be Free” and Podilska Perlyna, have worked tirelessly to provide life-saving solutions in the most affected regions. These projects, which you have made possible, are not just about giving aid—they’re about restoring hope and dignity to people who have lost everything. Your role in this cannot be overstated.
Through your donations, Be Free is distributing 1,450 wood-burning stoves and 1,450 power bank kits, each containing a solar battery and USB flashlight, to vulnerable Ukrainian families. These stoves provide warmth in homes that have no other source of heat, while also providing a means to cook warm meals. The power bank kits help Ukrainians stay connected during blackouts. At the same time, the solar-powered flashlights provide critical light in dark, bombed-out towns. With your continued support, Be Free is turning the harsh winter into a season of resilience. These efforts are giving families a fighting chance against the freezing temperatures and constant power outages caused by Russia’s targeted attacks on vital power infrastructure in Ukraine.
As Ukrainian families are suddenly and violently displaced by the war, many are left with nothing. Podilska Perlyna produced 500 wooden beds with cotton mattresses, ensuring that 500 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who found refuge in Western Ukraine have a place to sleep with dignity. In the chaos of displacement, a bed is more than just furniture—it symbolizes safety, stability, and care. Every bed your donation funds is more than just a physical object. It’s a gesture of compassion that says: We see you. We care about you. You are not forgotten.
Your generosity makes these efforts—wood stoves, solar kits, and beds—possible. Your continued support is not just appreciated, it’s vital. Your donations are making a tangible difference in Ukraine, one family at a time. With your continued support, we can help more families survive the brutal winter and rebuild their lives despite the devastation.
As the year ends, please consider donating to our ongoing Power Up Ukraine campaign. With your support, we can make 2024 a year of hope, rebuilding, and renewal. Every dollar you contribute powers an essential project like the ones you’ve just read about—ensuring that Ukrainian people have light, and a place to rest in the midst of their darkest days. Your support is more crucial than ever. Will you help us continue this vital work into the new year?
We are deeply grateful for your past support and hope that you will continue to be the beacon of hope that Ukraine desperately needs. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the people of Ukraine.
CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.