Ukraine’s energy infrastructure continuously sustains severe damages from frequent Russian drone and missile attacks. Just yesterday, Russia launched 17 drones followed by 59 rockets across Ukraine, targeting its energy infrastructure. People throughout the country, yet again, endured long hours without electricity. Prolonged blackouts, heating and water shortages are the reality for Ukrainians for over 11 months now. There is a crucial need for power generators to sustain basic living conditions.
To date, Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Committee – a joint partnership of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) committed to providing:
- 50 large power generators with light masts for Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy
- 60 generators for hospitals through its partnership with NGO Initiative E+
- 46 generators for the families of war veterans through Global Medic
Chris Brown, foreign correspondent for CBC, did a story out of Chernihiv, Ukraine, on the use of the generators with light masts that enable the continuity of power network repairs, day and night. 27 units have already been delivered and are in use; remaining 23 are en route.
Our partner organization in Ukraine, NGO Initiative E+ has started delivery of the 60 generators to the hospitals, to ensure the continuity of patient care.
With the help of another partner, Global Medic, 46 generators will be shipped and delivered to the families of the veterans over the next month.
One of the hospital in Ukraine that received a generator though NGO Initiative E+(right).
Today, January 27th, marks one year since the launch of the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal fund and the establishment of the CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Committee to manage it. The $22.9 million of aid and assistance delivered as of December 2022, would not have been possible without the generosity and unwavering support of our donors across Canada. Thank you for helping Ukrainians remain resilient in the face of the Russian aggression! To learn more about the work of the Committee on the numerous ongoing humanitarian relief projects, please visit our website.
The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the Canada Ukraine Foundation (CUF) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian assistance/relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.