
Let’s Keep Ukrainians Warm This Winter

Canadian winter is a beautiful sight. Despite heavy snow, ice, blizzards, and wind chills, we can find comfort and warmth in our home, surrounded by family and friends. Across the ocean, in the centre of Europe, Ukrainians are heading into a different kind of winter – one without electricity, heat and water.

For the past two winters, the Russian Federation targeted Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, leaving millions stranded in the cold and darkness for hours and days at a time. This winter promises to be no different.

Together, we can help – let’s keep Ukrainians warm this winter!

From September 20th to October 31st, CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal will run a special winterization fundraising campaign to help many people in Ukraine have their essential needs covered.

As Canadians, we know what it takes to be prepared for winter. The Canada-Ukraine Foundation will launch its third annual winterization program this fall. Previously, with your help, we provided Ukrainian people with the following.  

·     161 generators

·     81 tons of medicines and medical supplies

·     5,000 wood-burning stoves

·     8,400 beds, mattresses, blankets, and bedding sets

·     10,000 water purification kits

·     150,000 food boxes

This year’s winterization program will again respond to the local needs identified by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation’s long-term partners on the ground in Ukraine. The program will be tailored to help the most vulnerable population in Ukraine, residing predominantly along the frontlines and those internally displaced throughout Ukraine.

Let’s keep them warm! Make your donation today!


CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.