News Aid for Artists


Art is the soul of our people, our strength and identity. In the wake of the war on Ukraine, the preservation and advancement of Ukrainian culture has become paramount. Established in March of 2022, Aid for Artists is a dedicated fund of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) that serves as a platform for the community at large to support the artists of Ukraine who keep our homeland forward-facing, courageous and united.

The CUF Aid for Artists Committee aims to support Ukrainian visual and performing artists, arts institutions, NGOs, and various levels of government culture ministries to build capability and capacity within the arts sector in Ukraine. Through CUF supported and sponsored programs and projects, we strive to enable artists, arts workers, arts organizations, arts institutions and artist advocates to improve the preservation, promotion and development of Ukrainian arts in the communities they serve.

The Aid for Artists Committee includes representatives from across Canada, with backgrounds in a variety of genres of the arts:

• Committee Chair: Darka Tarnawsky, Executive Director, Ukrainian Shumka Dancers, Edmonton, AB

• Brian Cherwick, Musician/Academic, Atlantic Canada

• Laurence Ewashko, Choral Music, Ottawa, ON

• Taras Kulish, Executive Director, Orchestre Classique de Montréal, Montreal, QC

• Tanya Mykytiuk, Visual Artist, Toronto, ON

• Vincent Rees, Creator, Ukrainian Dance World, Edmonton, AB; Victoria, BC; Lviv, Ukraine

The mandate of the Committee is to encourage donations to the Aid for Artists sub-fund of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation; to engage artists and organizations of the Ukrainian Canadian diaspora and the Canadian arts community in raising awareness and funds for the arts sector in Ukraine; to inform and disburse funds to individuals and groups related to re-establishment, creation and jobs in the arts sector in Ukraine; to support all genres of visual and performing arts of Ukraine.

Projects supported by the Aid for Artists fund have been diverse, spanning film, photography, acapella, and contemporary folk music. Grants have ranged from $5,000 to $15,000 CAD, with disbursements totaling $50,000 to date. Currently, approximately $131,000 remains in the fund, with hopes that this amount will continue to grow and support artists for years to come.

Projects Supported to Date:

Artist: Igor Volochiy, freelance filmmaker

Project Title: Ride the Line Documentary

Funding: $10,000

Cinematography is the art of visual storytelling. This documentary creates a compelling visual narrative by skillfully capturing two friends on their cycling journey along the entire front line in Ukraine, raising funds for humanitarian relief during Russia’s brutal war on Ukraine, capturing the stories of survivors in liberated villages and towns and illuminating the terrible consequences of the war.

Artist: Anna Senik, photographer

Project Title: Traditional images of five regions of Ukraine – ethnophotographs

Anna Senik combines ethnography and photography to preserve material evidence of traditional Ukrainian culture. This project focuses on creating artistic images of five regions of Ukraine, captured for posterity and exhibition: Kyiv, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Hutsulshchyna.

Artists: Gerdan, acapella group

Project Title: Gerdan – White Voices recording

Funding: $10,000

The Gerdan – White Voices project is aimed at preserving the unique sound of the Gerdan Collective as part of Ukraine’s cultural heritage. The project includes a recording and production of video clips – including traditional customs and rites of Ukraine, for global distribution.


Project Title: Pyrih i Batih Kolyadnytskyi recording and charity tour (literary works through music)

Funding: $15,000

Through music, song, and the written word, Ukrainians have sustained our culture and language despite more than four centuries of oppression and linguicide. Ukrainian language in song is a unique instrument for preserving the identity of Ukrainian people. Protecting and promoting Ukrainian language, this uniquely poetic band will record and tour Kolyadnytski, based on ancient Ukrainian Christmas carols.

Organization: Gambade Films, film makers

Project Title: Doors of War documentary

Funding: $10,000

This project captures the journey of Ukrainian artist Ruslan Kurt in the creation of his exhibit Doors of War (a collection of doors destroyed by the war in Ukraine) and transporting the exhibit to Canada. Filmed and edited in both Ukraine and Canada, this film brings awareness to the lives of people who were forced to cross their doorsteps to escape Russian troops and illuminates the hardships of prolonged media attention and promises of financial support in this ever-in-conflict world.

The committee is optimistic that this will kickstart a series of artistic projects in Ukraine, all made possible by the Aid for Artists fund. To contribute, or learn more about this project, please visit:

Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) – founded in 1995, CUF has a strong track record of providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in the areas of healthcare, education and civil society. CUF collaborates with aid providers in Ukraine, Canada, and beyond to maximize impact and cost-effectiveness of your support.

News Aid for Artists Community/Education

Shumka Raises over $60,000
for Canada-Ukraine Foundation Aid For Artists

EDMONTON – Ukrainian Shumka Dancers are proud to announce over $60,000 will be donated to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation Aid for Artists raised through various events, fundraising initiatives, and Shumka on Tour. 

Since the war on Ukraine began almost one year ago, preserving and advancing Ukrainian culture is important now, more than ever. In response, throughout 2022 Shumka led several fundraising initiatives to raise funds for the Canada-Ukraine Foundation Aid for Artists.

Fundraising initiatives included opportunities for audience members to donate during Shumka School of Dance concerts; the donation of concession and bar proceeds from April’s Shumka on Tour performance in Edmonton, in partnership with the Alberta Jubilee Auditoria Society; a special screening of Dancing on Eggshells in partnership with Metro Cinema; proceeds from Shumka Emerge at Camrose’s Lougheed Centre; and over $36,000 from Shumka on Tour through audience donations, the sale of special merchandise and a limited-edition “Shumka Blonde” label with Sea Change Brewing

The designated Aid for Artists fund of the Canada Ukraine Foundation provides an outlet for the community at large to support the arts and artists of Ukraine who keep the country forward-facing, courageous and united. “Art is the soul of our people; our strength and identity. Preserving and advancing Ukrainian culture is now more important than ever,” noted Shumka Executive Director and Aid for Artists Committee Chair, Darka Tarnawsky.

The CUF Aid for Artists of Ukraine Committee aims to work with Ukrainian visual and performing artists, arts institutions, NGOs, and various levels of government culture ministries to build capability and capacity within the Ukrainian arts community in Ukraine. Through CUF-supported and sponsored programs and projects, the arts will be promoted by enabling artists, arts workers, arts organizations, arts institutions and artist advocates to improve the preservation, promotion and development of Ukrainian arts in the communities they serve. The current focus of the Committee is on raising funds and determining criteria for dissemination of such.

Shumka encourages Canadians to continue to donate and support in this time of need. For more information about the Canada-Ukraine Foundation visit For more information about Shumka, Aid for Ukraine, and upcoming projects, visit