
Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital – Donate today to have your dollars matched!

Last week we announced a campaign to raise $1,000,000 in one month through the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal for the children affected by the violent Russian attack on Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv.

Thanks to your generous response, we have raised over $165,000 towards our goal!

Today, we are excited to share an opportunity to double the impact of your donation. The Temerty Foundation has generously pledged to match every donation made to the Ohmatdyt fundraiser until July 21, up to $50,000.

One of the largest children’s hospitals in Europe, Ohmadyt was Ukraine’s most advanced for pediatric illnesses and oncology. On July 8th, the Russian military struck it with a cruise missile in a targeted attack, killing two doctors and injuring hundreds. 

The number of casualties is rising. Since the strike, a young boy who had been in Ohmatdyt’s ICU at the time of the missile attack has died after being transferred to another hospital in Kyiv.

Your donations matter. The Canada-Ukraine Foundation has been supporting the international Institute of Postgraduate Studies for years, and now its staff and students from the Center of Psychological Counseling and Traumatherapy “Open Doors” are providing psychological support to the 31 children at a hospital that has accepted these young patients from Ohmatdyt.

With your continuous support, we can increase our assistance for the victims of the barbaric July 8th targeted attack and join the international effort to provide the resources and care the young patients need.

Please give today – doubling your gift with the Temerty Foundation’s generous pledge – and let these young children know they are not alone. Together we can give them hope for a brighter future.


The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian assistance/relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.

News Fundraising Events Humanitarian/Medical



For more than ten years now, Ukraine has been the victim of countless war crimes committed by the Russian military. But the July 8th attacks on the Children’s Hospital Ohmatdyt, maternity hospital and fertility clinic in Kyiv is undeniable proof that Russia is waging a genocidal war on Ukraine: targeting Ukrainian children – the healthy, the seriously ill, and the unborn.

The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal is launching a one-month campaign to raise one million dollars for the hospital and its patients. Please donate now.

At least 41 people died as a result of the attack, and more than 170 are injured. Countless seriously ill children no longer have a place to receive treatment. This is the aftermath of July 8th attacks across multiple cities in Ukraine, including Kyiv.

Ohmatdyt is the largest specialized children’s hospital in Ukraine, treating 20,000 children and performing 10,000 surgeries annually. It is where young cancer patients get treatment. For many children, this is their last chance to recover and regain their health and childhood, and ensure they live a full life. The consequences of a rocket hit for these children are irreparable, including sickness from the suddenly non-sterile conditions, physical injuries, and death.

The CUF-UCC joint Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Committee is actively working with the management of the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital to best target all the funds we raise through this special fundraising drive. 

Donate now to get the help to the young patients clinging to life at Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital.

The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the Canada Ukraine Foundation (CUF) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian assistance/relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.


Over $70 million in humanitarian aid reaches Ukrainians over the two years since russia’s full-scale invasion

On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress held a joint press conference to provide an update on humanitarian programming delivered through Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal over the two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Thanks to our Donors’ generous support, a total of $67 million was raised for humanitarian works through the CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, supplemented by $20 million in in-kind donations. Over the same two-year time frame, more than $70 million has been disbursed in humanitarian programming in Ukraine and its near-abroad.

The primary focus of the humanitarian relief efforts has been in the areas of food security, medical care, emergency shelter and mental health support for people in Ukraine, and for displaced Ukrainians in neighbouring countries and Canada. To see the details on the types of aid deployed since February of 2022, please follow the link to a full press releaseThis would not have been possible without the continuous generosity of our Donors – thank you!

Over 6 million people fled Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war on February 24, 2022. As of January 27th, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, over 220,000 Ukrainians found refuge in Canada under the CUAET visa. Ontario and Alberta have taken in over 60% of all new arrivals with 40% and 22% respectively. Quebec, British Columbia and Manitoba have each taken in 10% of CUAET holders.

Shortly after the Government of Canada opened temporary sheltering visas (CUAET) to Ukrainians fleeing the war, the Displaced Ukrainians Appeal was launched under the umbrella of the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and has since raised $3.1 million in donations from donors across Canada.

Approximately $2 million have been dispersed or committed so far through over 30 humanitarian projects in 6 Canadian provinces, supporting displaced Ukrainians – mainly women with children and the elderly, with a focus on food security, shelter, and psychosocial support such as trauma counselling and employment assistance.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (February 15, 2024), intensified air strikes and hostilities continue to have a grave humanitarian impact on the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. The need for humanitarian aid remains critical – on this 2nd anniversary of the full-scale invasion, please #StandWithUkraine and make a donation to support our vital work!

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