

For most Canadians, it’s difficult to imagine having to worry about our children starving or succumbing to hypothermia. For many Ukrainian mothers, this is their current reality. 

Meet Antonina Ostapenko and her family. Their home village was five kilometres from the Sumy region’s border with Russia. In 2022, their village came under Russian occupation, forcing them to flee to Krasnopillia—a town slightly farther away but still dangerously close to the frontline. 

In September 2024, Russia launched an attack on the Ostapenko family’s new town of Krasnopillia, killing one person and injuring five others. Civilian infrastructure was targeted via guided aerial bombs and damaged 15 homes; for those who already have so little, attacks like these take away resources they might have to help them get through the cold, brutal winter. 

Russia’s attacks aren’t stopping. Ukrainians continue to lose part or all of their homes, exposing them to the dangers of the cold. In addition to fearing for her life due to Russian bombs, Antonina had to worry about her young baby and toddler becoming dangerously cold. Our Winterization Program efficiently supplies Ukrainians near the frontlines with essentials like wood-burning stoves, food boxes, and medications to help them through the winter months. With the family’s new wood-burning stove, Antonina has peace of mind knowing she can keep her little ones warm and fed. 

With your overwhelming support this week, we exceeded our goal of $100,000 for the Roadburg Foundation’s matching pledge to our Winterization campaign. Your enthusiasm and commitment are truly inspiring, and we cannot thank you enough for your support. Each one of your donations has made twice the impact this week in helping us keep Ukrainians warm this winter. Due to the overwhelming response we received from our generous donors, we are excited to announce one of our biggest opportunities yet to double your impact! The Myhal Family Foundation is raising the bar higher and is pledging to match $1,000,000 of donations made to CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal’s Winterization Campaign through October 31st. With this incredible opportunity, you can share the blessing of warmth and light with countless families in Ukraine. 


CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.

The Myhal Family Foundation was created by George and Rayla Myhal to assist in supporting causes within Canada that are Health and Education based. The foundation has worked with numerous hospitals in the GTA as well as educational institutions to help support, create and upgrade existing facilities and programs for the betterment of Canadians as a whole. Their work with the Ukrainian community has been extensive.


Winter Is Coming!

While we plan to buy salt for our icy driveways, many Ukrainians are in desperate need of necessities for the upcoming winter months. 

It’s important to remember that the crisis in Ukraine is ongoing. Russia continues its targeted, relentless attacks on Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure. With power stations destroyed across the country, many families in Ukraine must worry about not only surviving Russian bombs, but also the freezing cold that comes with them.  

Many families near the frontline, who are often overlooked, are made up of vulnerable populations with unique needs. Our Winterization Program, which assesses local needs with the help of our long-term partners on the ground, has made a significant difference in their lives. It has previously helped many families like these to stay warm and dry. In the Dnipro region, one brave woman, Marichka, has continued her work as a foster mother thanks to the heat and warm meals provided by the stoves. 

“Thank you for the heating and cooking stove we received recently. I am a foster care provider; I have six children in my care. We often have power outages. Thanks to your stove, we can keep warm, and I can dry the children’s clothes because they go to school. We will be able to cook.”

Canadian children get excited about missing school when it’s too snowy to leave the house. A snow day for them means getting cozy under blankets, sipping hot chocolate, and watching a movie after a long day of playing outside in the fresh snow. For Ukrainian kids like these in Dnipro, a foot of snow means hours of being cold, hungry, and isolated from the world. 

Another mother in the Dnipro region has been able to keep herself and her diabetic son with a visual impairment warm in the winter: 

“I live with my son. He is a disabled person of the first group. He has diabetes and has completely lost his eyesight. Since there is a war in Ukraine, we often have power cuts. Thanks to the heating and cooking stove, we can now stay warm and warm up our home. Thank you very much!” 

This year, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation is running its third annual Winterization Program through the CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. The program aims to equip Ukrainians for the winter months with essential supplies such as cooking and heating stoves, food, medicine, and generators.  

Your donation can mean the difference between a family stranded in the cold and dark, and one that has access to the resources necessary to stay warm, dry, and fed this winter. The overwhelming response from our generous donors to the Roadburg Foundation’s matching pledge, which has already surpassed our goal of $100,000. Stay tuned for our next matching pledge coming soon—in the meantime, continue donating to ensure that more families across Ukraine have access to warmth and hot meals this coming winter. 


CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.


The Roadburg Foundation Is Matching Donations Up To $100,000!


Winter is coming faster than we think! As we are thinking about swapping car tires for winter ones or comparing different models of snowplows, Ukrainians need help to get through this winter with limited power, heat, and constant bombardments by the Russian Federation. 

Your support is crucial. With the generous support of the Roadburg Foundation, your donations made between September 26th and October 6th will be matched up to $100,000. This means your contribution will have double the impact, providing essential aid to Ukrainians. 

The Ronald S. Roadburg Foundation is a private charitable foundation established in 2021 through the estate of the late Vancouver businessman Ronald Roadburg. The Foundation is rooted in a strong sense of community and responsibility, engaging in an array of philanthropic initiatives in the Jewish and broader communities in British Columbia, across Canada, in Israel, and around the world. We at CUF are grateful to the Roadburg Foundation for supporting the Winterization Program and their leadership in strengthening the bond between our two communities.  

Your donation is part of a larger, impactful initiative. The funds raised will be directed towards our 2024 Winterization Program through the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal (UHA), a joint project between CUF and UCC. This initiative is crucial in addressing the immense challenges faced by Ukrainians under Russia’s violent attacks, particularly during the harsh winter months. 


Responsible businesses are the backbone of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation’s ability to deliver effective and impactful programs.   

Perogie Lili is a Ukrainian perogie (varenyk) counter-service restaurant in the Mile End neighborhood of Montreal. Perogie Lili’s team has donated $400 of their sales from their Grand Opening week in August to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, and they plan to donate on a monthly basis. Thanks to them and other businesses around Canada donating to CUF, we can kickstart our winterization mission to ensure that thousands of Ukrainians have access to essentials during the winter months.

Valeriy Kostyuk and Marianna Kaminska, CUF,
meeting with Nestor Lewyckyj, Perogie Lili co-founder

As a responsible business, your contribution is invaluable. By donating and joining the Canada-wide fundraising initiative, you become a crucial part of the collective effort to aid Ukrainians in need.

Your support is not just appreciated; it’s essential. 


CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine

Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.


Let’s Keep Ukrainians Warm This Winter

Canadian winter is a beautiful sight. Despite heavy snow, ice, blizzards, and wind chills, we can find comfort and warmth in our home, surrounded by family and friends. Across the ocean, in the centre of Europe, Ukrainians are heading into a different kind of winter – one without electricity, heat and water.

For the past two winters, the Russian Federation targeted Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, leaving millions stranded in the cold and darkness for hours and days at a time. This winter promises to be no different.

Together, we can help – let’s keep Ukrainians warm this winter!

From September 20th to October 31st, CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal will run a special winterization fundraising campaign to help many people in Ukraine have their essential needs covered.

As Canadians, we know what it takes to be prepared for winter. The Canada-Ukraine Foundation will launch its third annual winterization program this fall. Previously, with your help, we provided Ukrainian people with the following.  

·     161 generators

·     81 tons of medicines and medical supplies

·     5,000 wood-burning stoves

·     8,400 beds, mattresses, blankets, and bedding sets

·     10,000 water purification kits

·     150,000 food boxes

This year’s winterization program will again respond to the local needs identified by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation’s long-term partners on the ground in Ukraine. The program will be tailored to help the most vulnerable population in Ukraine, residing predominantly along the frontlines and those internally displaced throughout Ukraine.

Let’s keep them warm! Make your donation today!


CUF-UCC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has been established jointly by the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) to formalize a coordinated approach in providing humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine to address any further aggression by Russia. The main efforts of cooperation are to provide humanitarian relief in the areas of assistance to displaced persons, medical care, emergency shelter and food security.